Bourbon Banana Caramel
A warm sweet blend of bananas, bourbon and cinnamon what more could you want?
Prep Time
Cook Time
Prep Time
Cook Time
  1. Slice the bananas into large coins about 1/2″ thick. I also cut them on the bias to give them even more area as they will shrink during the cooking process.
  2. Melt the butter and sugar in a large saute pan over medium heat, stirring until sugar is melted. Yes the sugar. Cook for about 3 – 4 min stirring frequently. Note: don’t walk away from the stove, this can go bad very quickly.
  3. Add the bananas in a single layer then toss to coat. Sprinkle with the cinnamon and give another toss. Let cook for 1 -2 min.
  4. Remove the pan from the stove and add the bourbon. If using a gas burner you can then tilt the edge of the pan to the flame to ignite the liquor. If you have an electric or induction stove top tilt the pan so the bourbon collects on the side and use a stick lighter or long match to ignite. Return to the stove and wait for the flame to go out. Just leave it be until then it won’t take long. Once the flame burns out toss or gently stir the mixture. Be gentle so as not to break up those beautiful bananas.
  5. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. The mixture will be extremely hot so do not touch with your fingers, lips or tongue without a lot of blowing even though you will want to taste this immediately. Trust me sugar burns are real.
  6. Use this topping on ice cream, pancakes, waffles, tofu anything you want to make taste better.
Recipe Notes

I tried this using half butter and half bacon fat from some Iberico bacon I had cooked. Gave it another layer of smokiness that was really deep. 

Not a bourbon fan no problem – try using rum instead.

Substitute allspice, 5-spice or garam masala for a more exotic taste. Heck even a kick of chili might be nice!